What is a virtual office?

A virtual office is an address that businesses can use in a similar way to a traditional office. The key difference is that the office is virtual, meaning it’s not a physical location for businesses to work from or visit. Businesses will be provided with a unique virtual address to use instead of their office location, and through our online mail management platform, they’ll be able to read and manage any of the post sent to their business.

Choose your virtual office location

What can you use your virtual office address for?

Businesses utilise virtual offices for many different purposes and processes. It’s up to you which features and services you take advantage of, but as a general rule you can use your virtual office in the same way you would a physical office (minus the physical space and costs!). Some of the ways companies are using virtual offices are for:

Business Building Icon

Business address needs

Use your virtual office address as your registered office, business trading, directors’ service and business correspondence address.

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Mail communications

Improve how efficiently your workforce reads and responds to business communication that comes via mail.

Location arrow with Shopping bag

Marketing promotions

Run marketing campaigns using your virtual office address and receive all entrants, returns and other mail responses in one place.

Flexible working

Remove the need for a physical office space and provide more flexibility for your team. Workers can access business post from wherever they are using our platform.

Save Money Icon

Reduce mail management costs

You’ll no longer need the equipment, stationery, office space or personnel to receive and distribute mail across the business.

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Automating processes

Set up custom workflows to instantly share mail with the team members who need to see it. Send custom alerts and integrate with cloud storage solutions.

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Centralising distribution

Centralise all business mail into a single location and system, making it easier and cheaper to process and manage business post.

London Street address

Prestigious address

Get a Dorset or London virtual office address for your business to make it appear that you’re in a prestigious location. Available for international and local businesses.

Virtual offices in London & Dorset

We offer virtual office addresses across several UK locations, and you can choose which you’d prefer when creating your account. Our London virtual office addresses will help it appear that you’re based in London, while our Dorset address provides more value for money. We’ll allocate your a unique variation of the address you choose for all of your virtual office needs.


Mail forwarding & virtual office services

Your virtual office account also comes with access to related services such as mail forwarding. These services allow you to interact with your mail just as you would in a traditional mailroom. Using our desktop platform or mobile and tablet app, you’ll be able to manage the post delivered to your virtual office in the following ways and more:

Envelop scan

Scan your mail

Request and view scans of envelopes, parcels and letters.

Inbox folders Icon

Organise your post

Organise mail using tags and folders.

Read Documents Online Icon

Send letters

Upload PDFs that we’ll print and post within the UK on your behalf.

Storage Box Icon

Store your post

Store post physically in our warehouse or digitally via our platform.

Shred Icon

Secure disposal

Request that we securely shred, dispose and recycle your post.

International forwarding Icon

Forward mail items

Forward mail items to another address across the globe.


Virtual office automations & integrations

All of our virtual office customers can take advantage of our automations and platform integrations to improve their efficiencies. When we scan new mail for you, we can alert individuals or entire teams that something needs their attention. This reduces the time between receiving post and taking action, and when combined with our cloud integrations, you can make mail management easy for your entire team.

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Your privacy is our priority

Protecting your business and its employees' personal information is of the highest importance. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we’re forbidden from sharing your information, and if we’re ever asked to, we’ll alert you straight away.

Virtual Office Frequently Asked Questions:

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