What is Electronic Customs Content Data?

Electronic customs content data refers to the information that you are required to attach to any parcel, excluding documents or letters, that is being moved out of the UK, or brought in from overseas. Here’s an example of some of the most common information you’ll be asked to provide:

  • Product description
  • Country of origin
  • Reason for sending
  • Quantity of goods
  • Package weight
  • Value of contents
  • Contact information
  • Commodity codes
  • EORI number (for businesses only)

How UK Postbox use this information

When sending goods to and from the UK, we’ll ask you to provide the required information in digital format via our platform. We’ll attach this information to your package before passing it on to your selected courier or postal provider. If you do not provide accurate information, or you fail to complete any required fields, you will experience delays.

Is this a new requirement?

Following the UK leaving the EU, the information required when sending or receiving parcels was changed, but Electronic Customs Content Data has always been a requirement. Depending on whether you’re an individual or business, you will have to include the relevant commodity code and your EORI number alongside the usual information.

Commodity Codes

Commodity codes help customs departments across the globe to understand what is leaving or entering their country, and what duty, taxes or restrictions to apply. Every commodity code relates to a specific good, including information such as the material, style and colour.

Individuals and businesses must attach the correct commodity code to any goods being sent out of the UK, or being received from an overseas country.

Commodity Codes Explained

EORI Number

An Economic Operators' Registration & Identification Number (EORI) is used to exchange information between different customs and governmental authorities. You will only need an EORI number if you’re a business moving goods in and out of the UK.

Learn About EORI Numbers

What happens without this information?

The couriers or customs departments we work with will delay your parcel, confiscate it, and you may incur additional fees from customs authorities. Through our platform, we will ask you for the required information when sending parcels, so please ensure that it is accurate and you understand what it means.

To learn more about the changes to required customs content data, you can download our PDF, which covers everything in more detail.

Download PDF

Frequently asked questions about parcel addresses