Royal Mail Redirection to Your Phone, Tablet and PC
Royal Mail Redirection, coupled with our Smart Mail App, gives you ultimate control over your post. Read your letters online, forward mail to anywhere in the world, or have us store it until you’re ready to receive it.
Redirect mail to us and read it online
Linking a Royal Mail Redirection to a UK Postbox account is a powerful combination. Instead of relying on overseas postal services and running the risk of lost or delayed post, you can have Royal Mail redirect your mail to us, for you to manage and access online.
Protect your identity
When you move it’s important you don’t leave your identity behind. Using Royal Mail’s Redirection Service ensures post won’t go to your old address. But what if you move a lot or don’t have a new address? That’s where we come in. Add a UK Postbox account to benefit from our Virtual Mailbox Service.
How to set up a UK Postbox Redirection Address
- To get started you first need to sign up for one of our Free Redirection Addresses, follow this link to get started.
Sign Up to a free Redirection Address - Once you’ve received your address, you’ll need to hop over to the Royal Mail website, to set up the redirection.
Please note, only you can set up the Royal Mail Redirection, we cannot do this on your behalf.
Choose your mail plan
Letter PAYG
Letter 5
Letter 10
Letter 25
Letter 50
Letter 100
Letter PAYG
Letter 5
Letter 10
Letter 25
Letter 50
Letter 100
Letter 250
Letter 500
Letter 1000
Letter 2500
Letter 5000
Letter 10000
Privacy prioritised
Protecting your data and privacy is of the highest priority to us. Being a private limited company Registered in England and Wales, we’re regulated under the General Data Protection Regulation, which means we will never share your information.