Premium Parcel App – included as standard

Every parcel forwarding account comes with access to our market leading Parcel Management App. Log in and enjoy complete control over your deliveries. Have one package forwarded to Spain and the next to London. Manage packages on an item-by-item basis or set default account wide settings.

Shop and Ship – parcel consolidation

You live or work abroad and want to buy products in the UK but many retailers don’t ship overseas and those that do, charge a fortune. Our Shop and Ship Service will be perfect for you.

Have multiple deliveries sent to your UK Postbox address, we’ll box them up into a single consignment and forward them to you, wherever you are in the world.

Shop & Ship Page

Parcel Storage

If you want us to hold on to some or all of your parcels until you’re back in the UK, simply tell us using the Parcel Management App and we’ll put them safely to one side.

Electronic Customs Content Data

If you're sending goods between the UK and other international countries, you will be required to provide detailed information about your parcel. This applies to both personal users and businesses importing or exporting goods. Our platform will ask you for all relevant information, and you can download our PDF to learn more.

Ready to get started?

Frequently asked questions about Parcel Forwarding: